Sleep apnea/ Sleep disordered breathing has been divided into with or without upper airway obstruction. Among these disorders Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome (OSAS) is the most common.
Sleep apnea affects not only in adults but children as well. In children adenotonsillar hypertrophy is the commonest cause of snoring and sleep apnea. This is characterized by stoppage of breathing during sleep and symptoms like snoring and daytime sleepiness which in turn leads to impaired alertness, daytime fatigue and slower reaction time. Memory and learning is also affected along with behavior affects. This includes moodiness, aggressiveness, and decrease in attentiveness.
In severe cases this can lead to liver function impairment, fatty liver disease and many systemic diseases like hypertension, diabetes and heart diseases etc.
Thus such patients need to evaluated and thoroughly investigated so that treatment can be started at the earliest possible and thus reducing the complications of the OSAS.
The treatment of OSAS includes surgical intervention, PAP therapy, lifestyle modifications and weight reduction.
The surgery involves removing and repositioning of excess tissue in nose, palate, tongue etc.